The journey begins with each one of us when we come alive again as authentic learners, where wonder vitalizes new potential. 

As educators, we are products of a system that was designed over 150 years ago to produce obedient workers for an industrial economy.

To survive in that system, we learned to become compliant learners playing the ‘game of school’. But that industrial age is now in the rear view mirror as we enter a new age defined by a creative economy. 

An Invitation

The workshop introduces an Agile-based learning framework, Designed inGenuity (DiG).

Your Catalyst journey begins with a one-week workshop where school leaders and educators form a learning pod and experience, first hand, the collective joy of learning.  We knew this joy as a child and now we have the opportunity to re-experience it as an adult. It is through the lived experience of this workshop that we become empowered as creative thinkers capable of guiding young learners to live into their potential as empowered creative problem-solvers.

The DiG was developed with an educator in a small rural school in Oregon in partnership with leaders from the software industry. This industry had to reimagine the very nature of learning to keep up with the accelerating pace of software development. They refer to this process of learning through fast, iterative learning cycles as Agile, one that inspires a new learning mindset.

What is this Agile Mindset?

It’s difficult to explain – you will have to experience it to understand. But once you have, you will not be able to unsee it or to unfeel it. The team at Catalyst can support you to understand the ground-breaking neuroscience that explains it.

When this mindset is brought into classrooms, students come alive, profoundly

impacting their learner identities, their engagement, and ultimately their academic achievement. Through individual and group coaching, we help educators to use this learning framework to not only meet their curriculum requirements but also to unleash the creative genius of their students. All of them.

The Experience