
Thompson is the author of The Dayton Experiment, a book that tells a story of a five-year journey of reimagining the learning culture of a small rural school in Dayton, Oregon. A software executive deeply versed in the fast, iterative learning cycles that underpin Agile methodologies, he partnered with Jami Fluke, the principal of Dayton Middle School and High School, to reimagine the learning culture in order to unleash the creative genius of every student.

The school came alive and flourished beyond anyone's expectations. From that experience, a learning framework was developed, Design inGenuity (DiG), which has now been introduced to hundreds of educators around the world, helping to inspire the transformation of schools now on five continents. He is also the co-author of The Joyful Sandbox which tells the story of how the DiG framework helped bring learning alive at Griffin State School, a primary school in Queensland, Australia.

Thompson Morrison

Kavita, co-founder of Catalyst, is an educator and Global Coach for educators across six continents. She has led numerous groups of educators and school leaders through the DiG process, frequently continuing with the support of teams of educators on a path of personal and collective transformation.

For Kavita, a transformative learning experience means we become who we want to see in the world. With Kavita’s guidance, educators around the world cultivate relationships and witness themselves and the young people they learn with coming alive with curiosity, confidence and creativity.

Kavita Tanna